Thursday, December 12, 2019

How to look after your log cabin garden office

Although most garden offices need little or no upkeep, it's still good to consider key bits of maintenance. Norwegian Log has a good checklist of what to do throughout the year (largely exterior rather than interior) and although log cabin providers offer different models, their words of wisdom are still very useful e.g. checking sealing twice a year, washing the outside annually, cleaning gutters regularly, etc. Here's a snippet, on drainage:
The soil around your log cabin should slope downwards to promote sufficient drainage away from your foundation. So make sure to regularly inspect the ground around your cabin. If the soil has compacted and there is a negative slope, you may need to add some fresh topsoil. You also need to ensure that the soil has not collected around the piers, and is preventing air flow, otherwise it could cause moisture, and if it comes into contact with the timber it can affect the laminated bean subframe.
Well worth a read.
Thursday posts are sponsored by Cabin Master: garden offices and studios to fit any size garden. Top quality contemporary or traditional buildings.

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