Monday, June 06, 2016

Joanna Briscoe: Shedworker

An excellent article in The Guardian by writer Joanna Briscoe about the search for her perfect garden office (including a very kind mention of Shedworking the book). Here's a snippet:
With a house that is impossible to extend, the cabin has proved a delight: a tiny study, a teenage escape and a children’s sleepover retreat. I wanted the interior to be rustic but restrained, without going the gingham or polka dot route: strictly no bunting, barge ware or Hunter wellies are allowed near it. It is just big enough for two adults to squeeze in and sleep side by side, and oh the joy of waking among the dew and vegetables, with birdsong in the cold air; of lounging on the sofa reading; and, as my next deadline approaches, of writing in the tranquillity and resin scent of a real cabin. I can only recommend it. Wherever you live, the woods can come to a place very near you.

It was designed and built by Mark (pictured below, at work on it) at Tiny House and you can see more images of it and the build at his site.

Monday posts are sponsored by garden2office, the Swedish garden office specialists. Click here for more details.

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