Friday, July 15, 2011

Indoor shedworking: Brigitte

Brigitte is a shedlike atmosphere by Enrique Illanez Schoenenberger made out of small wooden tiles which are sewn together then draped over a metal frame, inspired by a traditional (though disappearing) roof-building technique from Switzerland. Inside is a bench which helps to keep it stable. Initially it was built to be used outdoors - Enrique estimates the structure is good for 20 years of outdoor use and specifically describes it as a 'garden shed' - but now believes it serves a better purpose inside. Here's what he says: "Clearly present in this project is the notion of time. Everything is getting faster nowadays – why is that? Do we want or need things to go quickly? Brigitte invites people to take the time to rest. The second aspect of time can be found in the wooden tiles."
Fridays posts are sponsored by Swift Foundations. We design bespoke, eco friendly, foundation solutions. Our Plinths are LABC system approved and manufactured to British Standard BS8110 by a ISO 9000 company. for details.

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