Wednesday, July 26, 2023

How to extend WiFi to your garden office

One of the most common reasons for shedworkers 'taking to Twitter' is to ask about sorting out decent wifi coverage in their garden office. The Shedworking site is powered by Zen and so where better to go for advice. There's a useful article on their site here covering possibilities such as wifi extenders, powerline networking, ethernet cable, and (fair enough) Zen's own EveryRoom mesh wifi service. Here's what it says about this last option:

This service uses smart devices called repeaters that work with your main router to create a seamless and powerful WiFi network throughout your property... You simply plug your repeater close to the outside of your property to extend the range of your WiFi network outdoors... It provides a consistent and fast WiFi signal... is easy and flexible to set up and manage as you can add more repeaters to extend your coverage even further."

Image courtesy Zen.


SMART designs and manufactures industry leading garden rooms from our very own Suffolk factory and installed all over mainland UK

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