Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Do wheels on a shed make a different to planning regulations?

A common question about keeping your shed legal is the issue of making it moveable - to cut a long story short, if it's mobile, then there are fewer restrictions on what you can build (this is one reason why shepherds' huts have become more popular). But as with everything it's more complicated than that...

There was an excellent example of the issue this month when Pembrokeshire Council took James Kershaw to court for trying to avoid planning regs by adding wheels to a wooden shed (top) he built on his land in front of 12th centurey Pill Priory (a Grade II listed building, above) near Milford Haven - he claimed that the wheels meant it was no longer a building and thus exempt.

District Judge Chris James at Llanelli Magistrates' Court did not see it that way, that he did not believe Mr Kershaw, who runs a gardening business, intended to or indeed could move the shed around (despite the wheels) and fined him £700, plus costs of £2,244. The shed had been put up in 2015 without planning permission and was described by a planning inspector as “clumsy and monolithic” which did not fit in with the historic property.

Images courtesy Pembrokeshire Council
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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:28 PM

    It fails to mention that the magistrates decision was overturned by the high Court, and the man was allowed to keep his shed.
