Now like most things in life, you only get the quality that you pay for. There are two main types of felt that you can invest in; Sand Felt and Mineral Felt. Sand felt does the job but it can be susceptible to damage over time. Mineral roofing on the other hand is much tougher and thicker and can guarantee longevity over the years to come.
What panelling is best? Choosing the right type of build can be very important as some are more weatherproof than others. A tongue and groove build will help you channel any rainwater from progressing into your shed; this is accomplished through the interlocking panels. Shiplap cladding is slightly more advanced, it features a small groove in each timber; helping channel the water away from the shed quickly and efficiently.
Wooden garden sheds tend to be vulnerable to water damage which, if untreated, can possibly result in severe infestations such as dry rot or wet rot. Dry rot occurs when dry rot spores come into contact with wet timber, once this happens the rot will manifest progressively devouring the goodness and cellulose of the timber. Wet Rot is generally not as destructive as dry rot but nevertheless can cause severe damage if left untreated.
The key to keeping your shed preserved in good condition is not just to prevent the timber from getting wet but making sure that dampness can disperse and dry out. When building a wooden shed it is essential to make sure it is properly ventilated. Air and sunlight should be able to pass through the interior of your shed helping to alleviate any dampness preserving the condition of the wood. The base of the shed must be kept level, lifting the floor beams away from the ground allowing air to circulate underneath. In addition this will also make sure that damp leaves and debris do not gather against the walls causing mould.
The buildup of condensation is also a main cause of damp that you should always be aware of. Condensation occurs when moist air comes into contact with a cold surface such as your window and water droplets form. When this happens on your shed walls, the wall soaks up the moisture, causing damp and allowing mold to begin to grow. To avoid this make sure you do not leave any damp belongings or bags within your shed. Regular inspections and maintenance are the key to ensure your shed is tip-top and healthy all year round. Failure to do so can lead to detrimental effects, leaving you shedless for the summer. Protect, preserve and enjoy your summer of gardening. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tuesday posts are sponsored by Garden Spaces, suppliers of contemporary garden buildings, offices, gyms and studios, many of which do not require planning
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