Friday, August 05, 2011

Jane Giffard-Tiney who runs Work Shacks
has set up a networking/social group for shedworkers and other homeworkers in Market Harborough, the Homeworking Alliance. Working with local telecom specialist Doug Andrews, members pay a yearly subscription and a small fee for meetings. First-time visitors and those bringing first-time visitors come along for nothing.

Although they cater specifically for the needs of the shed/homeworker (e.g. parent-friendly meeting times), they also have members who run small, independent businesses from an office or shop. As well as the main Market Harborough meetings, there are also now groups in Lutterworth, Hinckley, Kettering and Northampton and they hope to expand further in the very near future.

"We are also always on the lookout for homeworkers or small business owners who like to network and feel they could run a successful Homeworking Alliance group in their own area," says Jane. "I feel very passionately that we can make a huge difference to homeworkers who often find it very difficult to network their businesses and are frequently unable to do so because of the very early start offered by other networking organisations."
Fridays posts are sponsored by Swift Foundations. We design bespoke, eco friendly, foundation solutions. Our Plinths are LABC system approved and manufactured to British Standard BS8110 by a ISO 9000 company. for details.

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