An intriguing article in Mlive by Lynne Moore about new shopping plans for Muskegon, Michigan, where plans are in place to use nine sheds as temporary retail units in vacant lots later this spring and hopefully at holiday times, such as Christmas. According to the story "The portable sheds could be incubators for retailers looking to establish more permanent sites downtown... Tenants would pay a small fee and would be required to commit to regular business hours. Ideally, the tenants would sell unique, handmade items."
Here's an especially interesting quote from city Manager Frank Peterson:
"The goal isn't to make money on those. The goal is to get people in there five, six days a week. They'd have to commit to being there, especially during the peak season."

Just not only for lambs, sheds are utmost important for all. It gives a shelter to all especially in the summers and saves from coldness in winter.