Friday, June 08, 2007

Live/work in a shed

This video comes from the BBC who sent a reporter to try out what I think is the micro compact home [m-ch] from architect Richard Horden (featured on this site here). Thanks to the eagle-eyed Wilco for spotting this.


  1. I have a question - I own a masionnette and the freeholder is Southwark Council. I recently applied to change my lease so that I could get a garden office in my long but very narrow garden. It was rejected as building control said that any building made of commbustible material (i.e. timber) had be be one meter from any boundary to another property. Because the garden is so narrow, there is nowhere it would be not one meter from another boundary of another property. What are the best options for sheds made of non-commbustible materials? Most seem to be timber.

  2. That sounds strange to me. So long as it's fireproofed - which reputable suppliers should ensure - there shouldn't be a problem. It might be worth checking with them again. Lyn Fotheringham from InsideOut has posted some useful advice on this site at

    For metal and plastic garden sheds you could try

  3. Went to Grand Designs last year and saw this and thanks for the link. I missed the item on BBC AM BREAKFAST, but saw the prequel the night before.
    At this year's Grand Designs Exhibition (I went to the first day yesterday) I came across home offices by Solo Space ( and will forward deatils of your site to MD James Butcher as he did not know of your site and makes a home-office that got my attention. I said he should make sure you know about his £10k to £18k range. Just for the sake of "completing the circle"
    Tim Baber editor msbnews.

  4. Thanks for this Tim. I intended to go to the show this year but couldn't do it at the last minute (boo, hiss). I'll certainly get in touch with him.

  5. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Have you seen the site, they make custom designed and built steel buildings like sheds or garden offices.

  6. take a quick look at for some more sheds steel and concrete

  7. Anonymous5:58 PM

    You may also wish to try for designs, detail and advice on planning and building control.

  8. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Three Counties Buildings provide quality cheap steel sheds
